Our professional design staff will work with you to create your website. We work hard to maintain a professional image, while attempting to maintain a high level of compatibility with both new and old browsers.
While we keep up to date with new technologies, we don't always use them. Frequently, new technologies prevent users of older computers from accessing your website. Only 6.8%* of all users browse with Internet Explorer, that leaves 3,118,316,143** users that use other browsers. failing to maintain compatibility with these "other" browsers eliminates most of your potential market, usually, this is the "average" user.
Old versions of Internet Explorer do not fully comply with the CSS Standards set fourth by the W3c, as a result a website built and tested with IE will usually not display correctly on standards complient browsers. We make every attempt to build all websites to display equally well on Internet Explorer, Edge, Firefox, and Chrome. While this takes extra time, it assures you the deepest market penetration.
We pride ourselves on our "No Limits" design style. We may advise against some things, for cost reasons, but if you really want it, we can build it. If we lack the skills to build it, we'll hire someone who can. We work regularly with a number of independant web designers, graphic artists, and programmers to assure we always offer the latest technologies and resources.
Almost every design can be completed in-house, unless you need something really unusual, We utilize the latest Adobe products to assure cutting edge results. All our servers feature PHP scripting and MySQL database to create dynamic pages in real time.
Having a world class website is meaningless if people can't get to it. That's why our servers are hosted in the cloud in Miami, FL
If your computer under the weather, not as fast as it use to be? Did someone tell you you have a Virus? We have been fixing computers for over 20 years. Most repairs don't require replacing any parts, just fixing the software. But if you need a part, we'll tell you what part, and reccomend a source. Since we don't sell any hardware, you'll know we don't benifit in having you replace a part unecessarily.
CRYSTAL RIVER, Fla - Technatron, Inc unveiled their new website today, featuring a cleaner, calming appearence. This is the first in a number of changes planed.
Crystal River, Fla - Technatron moved it's servers from the baremetal facility to the Cloud today. This move increases our available bandwidth by 300%, gives us room to grow, lowers our overhead, and gives us access to new technologies, and an updated software platform
We would like to extend our warmest welcome to the Red Eagle Lodge of West Central Florida, Inc. - their new website is available at http://www.redeaglelodge.org/